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The Quiet Times

We started our women’s Bible study this week at church, and we’re studying the Psalms. We have workbooks as “homework",” then we come together and talk about it and watch a wonderful video.

I’ve realized a lot about myself in the past few years; mainly that book work is difficult for me to do. The house has to be completely still, and my brain has to be clear. So my wonderful husband took the boys off to one of his meetings, I put Brian Crain up on Spotify, and sat down in a comfy chair to work.I’m completely new to doing workbooks, and I guess to Bible study in general, I’m ashamed to say.

Diving deeply into the Bible in ways I’ve seen people do has always been intimidating BECAUSE I have a hard time with book work. I was awful in school. I wish I was more aware of myself when I was in high school, I may have made better grades.

When I sat down with this workbook, I really went all in, like I was supposed to. I prayed to God to PLEASE help me. To show me things He needs me to see. To help me concentrate. And He did.At the end of the first day’s work, God told me that I need to have more quiet time with him and for him.

From the time I wake up to the time I finally fall into sleepland, my mind is SO active. When I have any free time at all, I fill it with work that I think needs to be done. Creating things for people, events, fun; organizing schoolwork for Edward; making sure Barry and Edward are properly occupied. Andy quiet space is usually filled with a podcast. I didn’t realize how much I absolutely hate the quiet and idleness of the day… But God told me not to hate it.

He loves those quiet times, I think, because those are times we’re closest to Him. He loves it when we talk to Him and tell Him our fears and our triumphs. He knows them already, but loves it when we tell Him. Like a parent waiting for a child to tell them about the best part of their day. I love it when Edward talks to me, about worries or excitement. I make sure he tells Matt of all the fun we had during the day because I know Matt loves hearing it, too.

Now, I am absolutely not a preacher or teacher or anything of the sort. When God speaks to my heart, though, I like to share it. He spoke to me about homeschooling my babies, about being present in their lives, and I’m trying to share that as best as I know how. He wants us to share Him with the world. With love, without judgement, with the open arms with which He welcomes us.

So as my babies sleep, I will use those quiet moments to sit with God. During the day when it’s quiet, I won’t (always) fill it with noise and distractions. I want to be a good influence on not only my boys, but everyone who sees me. I haven’t always been the best at “acting like a Christian,” but we’re human, too, and we fail. We fall short more than we would like to, and anyone who tells you different, or makes anyone feel less than because they’re “better” isn’t talking to the same God I am.

We’re all always improving. We can’t keep looking back at who we were, because we’re not that person anymore. I don’t want to be better than anyone else; I just want to be better than who I was. God is helping me with that. He’s showing me all the time how blessed I am and how much better I could be, if I just slow down and be quiet and listen to Him.

And I’m going to try.

I’m going to share the passage I read today in my book Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young (which I’ve had forever and have only opened a few times…)

I feel like God just keeps reiterating what I realized when I first started that workbook. “Be quiet. Sit with Me. Talk to Me.”

August 29

“Demonstrate your trust in Me by sitting quietly in My presence. Put aside all that is waiting to be done, and refuse to worry about anything. This sacred time together strengthens you and prepares you to face whatever the day will bring. By waiting with Me before you begin the day’s activities, you proclaim the reality of My living Presence. This act of faith - waiting before working - is noted in the spirit world, where your demonstration of trust weakens principalities and powers of darkness.The most effective way to resist evil is to draw near Me. When you need to take action, I will guide you clearly through My Spirit and My Word. The world is so complex and overstimulating that you can easily lose your sense of direction. Doing countless unnecessary activities will dissipate your energy. When you spend time with Me, I restore your sense of direction. As you look to Me for guidance, I enable you to do less but accomplish more.”

Now, I’m a writer as much as I am a preacher. I used to want to be a journalist, or an author. I’ve started a children’s book… about 8 years ago now… but I don’t pretend to know what’s what in the writing world. I’ve actually been afraid to start writing because I don’t want to open up. I don’t want to feel things like I used to. Admitting my thoughts and feelings opens me up to criticism, and I just find it unnecessary. But apparently God has different plans, because He’s given that passion back to me lately. Not sure why, but I’ll run with it.

If you take anything from my ramblings, take this: God loves you and wants you to come to Him. He wants to listen to all your “mundane” thoughts and worries. He wants to be there for you. Let Him.

Thanks for reading.

God bless.

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